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    1. "Girls Who Change the World" is a challenge being run by @IBM_UK_news @MarvelUK and @STEMLearningUK - to help kids learn about AI by coming up with ideas for how it could change the world for the better. Find out more at girlswhochangetheworld.org.uk #CaptainMarvel
  1. …in reply to @dalelane
    If you're a teacher / parent / coding group leader - please have a look at the challenge. There will be support to help you guide students, and if there's anything more I can do to help, let me know! #CaptainMarvel
    1. …in reply to @dalelane
      If you're an IBMer, we're looking for mentors to help support student teams to flesh out their ideas and understand what AI is all about. Give me a shout if you'd like to know more!