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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. Make a AI-powered traffic camera game in #Scratch, where you have to train a #machinelearning model to recognise if there are passengers in the car. Full instructions at
  2. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise questions Teach kids about NLP by making a chatbot in #Scratch Full instructions at
  3. Use a #machinelearning model that can recognise faces Teach kids about face detection by making a video face filter in #Scratch that turns their face into a cartoon Full instructions at
  4. Machine Learning for Kids: helping kids learn about ML by letting them train models & make things with them Info at!/about
  5. Use a #machinelearning model that can recognise faces Teach kids about face detection by making a live emoji mask in #Scratch Full instructions at
  6. It's easy for teachers to prepare machine learning projects for students to work on together: just click on "Share" next to the project. Then students can all contribute training examples for a class machine learning model.
  7. Train a #machinelearning model to predict where zombies are hiding in a scary hotel Teach kids about feature selection and decision trees by using AI to escape the zombies! Full instructions at
  8. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise the use of language in different newspapers Teach kids about text classifiers by making a game in #Scratch to predict the newspaper that new headlines came from Full instructions at
  9. Machine Learning for Kids now includes interactive visualisations that explain how some of the machine learning models that children create work. For screenshots and more info, see
  10. Teach kids about #machinelearning and image recognition by making a mobile hide-and-seek app in @MITAppInventor where you find items by pointing your camera at them Full instructions at and a demo at
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise coloured shapes Teach kids about image recognition by making a Snap game in #Scratch Full instructions at
  12. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise sounds Teach kids about speech recognition by getting them to invent an alien language and train an AI to understand it so they can tell an alien in #Scratch what to do Full instructions at
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  13. The latest pretrained #MachineLearning model added to #Scratch in @MLforKids lets you make Question Answering games. Visit to give it a try!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. Teach kids about #machinelearning by making a voice-powered laser eyes game in #Scratch Train a speech recognition model to activate the lasers, and use a face detection model to aim them! Full instructions at
  15. Train a #machinelearning model to predict if a web link is a phishing link or a legit site. Teach kids about feature selection and decision trees by using AI in a Python app that recognizes phishing URLs. Full instructions at
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. Machine Learning for Kids: helping kids learn about ML by letting them train models and make things with them Info at
  17. I've added a new student #MachineLearning worksheet to It's a child-friendly tutorial for making a predictive model about the sinking of the Titanic and writing a Python program to test it.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  18. Machine Learning for Kids has now been translated into twenty languages - with Romanian as the most recent addition
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API