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Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. Make a AI-powered traffic camera game in #Scratch, where you have to train a #machinelearning model to recognise if there are passengers in the car. Full instructions at
  2. A new feature was added to @MLforKids this week by @all_about_code - integration with EduBlocks! 🎉🎊 This will let students create machine learning Python projects in the browser, by dragging and dropping blocks on a canvas.
  3. Creating projects based on real-world applications of #machinelearning is an effective way to open up students' eyes to the fact that AI systems are all around them, and impact their lives in countless ways
  4. Make a #machinelearning-powered "I Spy" game in #Scratch, where you have to guess what the AI has recognised in a photo Full instructions at
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. School students are able to engage in debates about the ways that artificial intelligence tech is used. This can be helped giving them a hands-on chance to experiment with the tech and see for themselves how bias can be introduced.
  6. Some of the most effective #machinelearning lessons are when something goes a bit wrong. The discussions this enables really helps students understand how ML behaves. Here's one example of how that can go...
  7. Allowing students to experiment in a child-friendly sandbox can help them to understand how #MachineLearning doesn't always learn what we wanted it to learn! Here are a couple examples of how I've seen this go...
  8. The flexibility of #Scratch provides students with opportunities to explore the behaviour of #MachineLearning models in creative ways - such as how to deal with machine learning tech being a black box.
  9. Students can learn a lot about the role of confidence scores through playing and experimenting with their own simple #machinelearning models - some of the ways children will describe this are fantastic
  10. The experiences students get by making their own #machinelearning projects helps them understand the behaviours and motivations of big tech companies. This is one of my favourite examples:
  11. Sentiment analysis projects are a nice way to show students that machine learning can learn to recognize a variety of types of patterns in text, not just the meaning or intent of the text.
  12. Making simple #machinelearning projects introduces students to the idea of keeping training and test data separate
  13. letting students try each other's #machinelearning projects allows them to notice for themselves how ML models trained with a wider variety of training examples perform better
  14. Students can see for themselves why crowd-sourcing and gamification are used to help create training data for #machinelearning projects
  15. Giving students freedom to experiment with their own machine learning model lets them learn for themselves the relationship between the quantity of training data and the accuracy of machine learning models.
  16. Going through the process of creating a #machinelearning project for themselves gives students an insight into how these systems are created in the real world.
  17. Using existing tools like #Scratch and #AppInventor to introduce students to #machinelearning was a conscious choice - to send a message that it complements what they already learn about coding
  18. Use a #machinelearning model that can find answers to questions Teach kids about information retrieval by making a quiz show game in #Scratch Full instructions at
  19. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise coloured shapes Teach kids about image recognition by making a Snap game in #Scratch Full instructions at
  20. Use a #machinelearning model that can recognise faces Teach kids about face detection by making a live emoji mask in #Scratch Full instructions at
  21. Train a #machinelearning model to make holiday recommendations Teach kids about training bias and ethics in AI by making a biased app in #Scratch Full instructions at
  22. Teach kids about #machinelearning by making a voice-powered laser eyes game in #Scratch Train a speech recognition model to activate the lasers, and use a face detection model to aim them! Full instructions at
  23. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise book genres from the cover Teach kids about image recognition by making a game in #Scratch Full instructions at
  24. Train a #machinelearning model to predict where zombies are hiding in a scary hotel Teach kids about feature selection and decision trees by using AI to escape the zombies! Full instructions at
  25. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise compliments and insults Teach kids about sentiment analysis by making a character in #Scratch Full instructions at
  26. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise commands Teach kids how assistants like Alexa work by making one in #Scratch Full instructions at
  27. Train a #machinelearning model to predict the type of a Pokémon in #Scratch Teach kids about AI by training a model that learns to predict based on pictures of what Pokémon look like Full instructions at
  28. It's super exciting to see another translation contributed to the site - Hungarian is now the 22nd language that the site and ML training tool can be used in.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  29. Train a #machinelearning model to predict the type of a Pokémon in #Scratch Teach kids about AI by training a model that learns to predict based on the stats that describe size and abilities Full instructions at
  30. Train a #machinelearning model to predict your answers in #Scratch Teach kids about AI by training a model that learns when you describe a glass as half-full or half-empty Full instructions at
  31. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise the use of language in different newspapers Teach kids about text classifiers by making a game in #Scratch to predict the newspaper that new headlines came from Full instructions at
  32. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise sounds Teach kids about speech recognition by getting them to invent an alien language and train an AI to understand it. Then tell an alien in #Scratch what to do! Full instructions at
  33. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise photos Teach kids about image recognition by making a virtual sheepdog in #Scratch Full instructions at
  34. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise questions Teach kids about virtual agents by making a chatbot in #Scratch Full instructions at
  35. Train a #machinelearning model to avoid the ghost Teach kids about AI in games by making an ML-controlled Pac-Man in #Scratch Full instructions at
  36. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise postcodes Teach kids about handwriting recognition by making their own letter sorter in #Scratch Full instructions at
  37. Video recordings of their creations are a nice way for students to share what they've made - recording videos of Scratch projects in Machine Learning for Kids just needs a couple of clicks
  38. Interact with @scratch using your voice! Use a pitch detection #machinelearning model to make projects that play with music
  39. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise visual styles of book covers Teach kids about image recognition by making a mobile app in @MITAppInventor that suggests a shelf for a book, based on what it looks like Full instructions at
  40. Train a #machinelearning model to recognise objects in the webcam Teach kids about Explainable AI by making a visualisation in #Scratch that shows what the model thinks is most significant Full instructions at
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API